We are very thankful to HASHEM for opportunity to publish first in history Siddur for Weekdays with an Interlinear Translation into Russian. The siddur was developed by Israeli publishing group Live Torah. Amidah, Shmah, Birkat haMazon are translated by Rav Shaul-Aizik Andrushak. Hundreds of users already enjoy a genuine translation and beautiful design of this siddur in Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and all over the world.
[wpedon id=5095] 


1. Siddur for Weekdays Nusah HARI ZAL (Chabad)

We already published the first edition and distributed over 600 copies. Help up to boost the distribution. [wpedon id=5095]

2. Siddur for the Shabbath and Festivals Nusah HARI ZAL (Chabad)

The translation and development of the siddur are already in progress. Support the publishing the first edition [wpedon id=5095]

3. Siddur Nusah Ashkenaz for Weekdays

We are working on translation and layout of siddur. Support the translation and publishing the first edition [wpedon id=5095]

4. Siddur Nusah Sfarad for Weekdays

We are working on translation and layout of siddur. Support the translation and publishing the first edition [wpedon id=5095]

Why Siddur with an interlinear translation  is it important?

Kavonah (concentration) is the most important element of Jewish prayer. The basic kavonah is concentration on the meaning of the words. We should understand the meaning of every word we say. The common way for Baaley Teshuvah is to start davening in their speaking language (i.e. English or Russian) when they understand the meaning of all words. Then they switch to Hebrew and forget the meaning of many words the say. The traditional translation on the left side is good for learning but it doesn’t work for davening. One may search for translation of the word on the left page at the cost of losing concentration (kavonah) of prayer.
The solution is siddur with an interlinear translation where each word translated right under the original word in Hebrew. This siddur proved his importance for English speaking audience and now it became available for Russian speakers bringing Geulah closer with every word of the davening.

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