Exploring Tehillim. Malka Kaganoff


Tehillim –  the source of many of our tefillos and the sefer of choice or our personal prayers. We echo the words of Dovid Hamelech, and our spirits soar. But what exactly are we saying in each perek? Sometimes the answer is not so clear.

In Exploring Tehillim, Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff offers a brief synopsis of each perek, outlining its profound themes and messages. When is the perek recited in our tefillos? Who are we addressing? What historical event is being referred to?

A longtime educator and author, Rebbetzin Kaganoff clarifies many relevant points in this unique work, elucidating the depth and meaning of the timeless messages of Dovid Hamelech. A must-have for all Tehillim sayers and for those who with to join their ranks.

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Exploring Tehillim: An Elucidation of the Eternal Song of the Jewish Soul

Author: Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff

Which perek of Tehillim was written on Dovid Hamelech’s shield?

What does the word Sela mean?

Which chapter is referred to as Perek Hateshuvah, the chapter of repentance?

Sefer Tehillim is the source of many of our tefillos and the sefer of choice for our personal prayers. But what exactly are we saying in each perek? Sometimes the answer is not so clear.

In Exploring Tehillim Rebbetzin Malka Kaganoff offers a brief synopsis of each chapter, outlining its profound themes and messages. A must-have for all Tehillim sayers and for those who wish to join their ranks.

“[Rebbetzin Kaganoff’s] presentation is short and to the point, thus truly an aid in focusing on the themes presented in the various chapters, adding to one’s appreciation of Tehillim in general and enhancing one’s emotional attachment to their recitation”

-Rabbi Zev Leff, Rav, Moshav Matityahu

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Weight 0.35 kg
Dimensions 12 × 16 × 2 cm